Go to fullsize imageI have waited on pins and needles to get this beauty pictured here.  Yes, it is an umbrella clothesdryer for outside.  I looked high.  I looked low.  I finally found it and saved big money at Menards.  It was originally $39.99 but was on sale and then there was a rebate.  The final sale was about $24.99.  It’s so exciting!  I can hardly stand it!  This will definitely assist with helping me maintain my commitment to dry 90% of my laundry without the use of a dryer.  See Gift of Green’s Clothesline Challenge.

I wondered just how much money I could save by switching all the laundry to air-drying/line drying.  The average dryer costs about $80-$85 to use annually.  (That’s not as much money as I would have expected but, anyway, I will move on to my point.) So, if I continue to line dry my clothes, I will have made my $24 that I spent on the umbrella line back in no time!  Plus, I will be cutting back on my carbon footprint.  Next to the refrigerator, the dryer is the most costly appliance in your home to run due to the amount of energy it consumes.

Therefore, can there be a more logical choice??  I think not.  Go save some big money at Menards and buy your umbrella line.