Go to fullsize imageIt appears that our friend Jill over at The Diaper Diaries is starting to expand her “Things I Love Thursdays”.  So, I thought I would join in the fun.  This is a very easy topic to blog about because we all have something that we just love. 

My things that I love today is my vitamins.  That may sound strange to you, but it’s true.  I went to a Naturopath about a year ago and she recommended that I take a better multivitamin.  I took her advice and have felt a real turn around in my health ever since.  I learned that vitamins aren’t a substitute for healthy eating, but if you are a busy woman like myself, you often don’t eat like you should at every meal, every day, or every week.

Here’s the brand that I like, Solaray Twice Daily Multi Energy Multi Vitamin.  I purchase it at our locally owned health food store.  (although lately it’s been hard to find the twice daily kind)  Taking a twice daily allows for more equal dosing and release through out the day.  This seems to work best for getting the most out of the “energy” portion of a vitamin.  I take one in the morning and one in the late afternoon.  I have had more energy throughout the day since taking them and have had fewer bouts of illness. I can tell a big difference if I forget to take my vitamins as I will then feel very sluggish.   I have had absolutely no stomach upset with this vitamin either, which you can get if you take other kinds on an empty stomach. 

If you can’t find this exact brand of vitamins, be sure to look for a vitamin in a capsule form.  Studies have shown that vitamins in large tablets can be harder for your system to break down and absorb.  Some studies have even shown that “cheap” vitamins are hardly absorbed because of the way the tablet breaks down in your system.  Spend a little money and get the capsules.  You also want to look for a multivitamin that offers 20-30 vitamins and minerals in it’s daily dose.  The twice daily isn’t as important as getting the correct amount of vitamins/minerals regularly. 

So, go out and improve your vitamins.  You will love the healthful effects that you feel.  I love them and even carry some around in my bag when I go out so I don’t miss a dose!

 Hop on over here to see more “Things I Love Thursday”